Rick O'Bryan

Rick O'Bryan

I'm a proud dad of two girls, explorer and very much into fitness. Thanks very much for spending time with me on the air! I hope you'll follow on my...Biografía completa


Powerball What Would You Do??

There was no winner on Powerball again this week...it's up to 1.5 Billion dollars! What on earth would you do with that much money!? I have some thoughts...

  1. Buy your own personal sports team...you'll have your own luxury box, name on the stadium?
  2. Buy your own island...not like Tom Hanks with the volleyball. Ok, maybe just you and the volleyball if that sounds good!
  3. Keep showing up to your same job, in your exact same life, but do extraodinary random acts of kindness every week for the rest of you life with NOBODY knowing who is doing it. I don't have the strength to do this!!

I hope you winnnnn and can decide for yourself!!

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